2022 Shortlisted Nominee
D&I Consultancy Award
Creative Access is a leading not-for-profit social enterprise working with job seekers, employers and employees to create a more inclusive creative sector. They enable people from groups that are under-represented in terms of ethnicity, socio-economic background and disability, or facing significant barriers to employment, to access, progress and reach leadership in the creative economy. Their goal is for the creative industries to truly represent and reflect our society. Creative Access offer personalised support, mentoring and employer training to create real change across the sector, and partner with over 500 creative businesses across the UK, including the Sky, Penguin Random House and ITV. This enables their diverse community of candidates to access the most exciting roles. Over the past 10 years, Creative Access have supported over 50,000 candidates with employability skills, and delivered 4000+ hours of inclusive employer training.