Rethink Mental Illness

2023 Shortlisted Nominee
Inclusive Culture Initiative Award

Rethink Mental Illness

The murder of George Floyd, global protests, and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement prompted Rethink Mental Illness to confront its own shortcomings in relation to ethnic equality. In response, the charity commissioned an independent review conducted by Oxytocin-Learning to assess its progress in becoming an anti-racist employer, campaigning organisation, and service provider. The results revealed that the charity had not done enough over the years to establish an ethnically diverse and inclusive working environment. Rethink Mental Illness’s Race Equality Action Plan outlines a comprehensive roadmap, encompassing short, medium, and long-term initiatives committed to transforming the organisation into a genuinely anti-racist entity. The charity has taken proactive steps by creating and filling inclusive leadership roles, inclusive governance, inclusive workplace practices, and implementing a robust monitoring system to ensure service users receive inclusive support.
