Skanska Costain STRABAG Joint Venture

2023 Shortlisted Nominee
Social Mobility Project Award


Skanska Costain STRABAG joint venture (SCS) have developed a truly inclusive culture with social value embedded at the heart of the organisation. Their approach has enabled them to create a sustainable legacy contributing to the long-term wellbeing and resilience of local communities. They are committed to ensuring that local people benefit from the investment of High Speed 2 (HS2), through economic growth, job opportunities for local people, and education and career pathways for young people. By working with Local Authorities, charities, and the community, they have worked to attract and support local priority groups such as, homeless, survivors of domestic abuse, care leavers and young people with disabilities into the workplace and provide them with a sustainable career pathway. Immense results have seen 5,701 local people employed onto the project and create 18,965 workplace days for NEETS and university placements.
